Tuesday, August 20, 2013

"Size 12 Is Not Fat" - By Meg Cabot

I'm sorry I took so long to read this book. I don't know what else to say, except that that doesn't give the book a very good standing to begin with.

Meg Cabot is famous for her Princess Diaries series. I own two of those books and never read them. I've tried reading the first Princess Diaries twice, once when I was younger and once . . about a month ago. Still couldn't finish it.

Cabot just seems to have this way of giving detail, description, back story, blah blah. But nothing is really happening. It's like the heroine is staring out into space, her head cocked to the side and tongue hanging out, having all these thoughts running through her mind.

For a story like "Size 12 is not fat," which is supposed to be a kind of coming-of-age murder mystery, I - personally and politely - would appreciate more action and less thinking.

Sorry. I'll explain the book further.